Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Hey guys. So this is my first serious blog. Yeah. LOL. So i'm Ally, the Blogger Nerd Leader. I hope a lot

of   you guys will view this blog and enjoy it! Of course, this blog is going to have the following;

-Unknown Facts
-New Woozworld updates
-Brand New Hackers
-Old Hackers
-Famous Woozens

So I hope that you will enjoy the juicy bit I have for YOU today! :D

So.... Glitz. More rumors about GLITZ. Rumor has it; that Glitz is clearly older then she says she is. I know right! Its crazy! Even I can't believe it! People are saying that Glitz is over 21+ and she's luring boys into her trap (Just like the iluvpenguins situation) but this time Glitz doesn't have proof!

Glitz! Yes it's Glitz. Hate all you want. :D

~ All you Glitz lovers, btw, please exit out of my blog if you don't want to hear bad things about Glitz. Thanks~

I hope that Glitz has proof that she is not over 21+. If she is,  The Woozens of  Woozworld should really tell the moderators! Oh, and heres another thing; 
Thats why people are quitting your game! Bullies are basically taking over Woozworld, and woozens say that wanna stop it. IF THEY WANNA STOP IT THEN THEY NEED TO PREVENT IT FROM HAPPENING!

So, I'm confused woozens. If you are a Glitz supporter (and still reading this) Why would you want 
somebody like her? OH! Another thing! See the speech bubble Max (Woozworld Moderator) is saying? You know how people can ask moderators to say something, then you take a picture? Max is not saying it because he wants to say it. He's saying it because Glitz (or another woozen) asked him too and pretended that he said it on his own! Woozens, please. You all know this is fake.

Well.... this is all I have for today! Thank you for joining in on the juicy gossip! Make sure you check in every week, (Monday - Friday) and i'll make sure to keep you updated. See you later Nerdz! 

                                          - Ally,        Nerdz Leader.

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